Everything is so golden here! But why is that? Well, because the sun shines a lot here. And because where some places gold is found underground, here it’s hanging from the vines. And because in Rhineland-Palatinate, there are so many golden opportunities – for business and for life. Click here to learn all about the Rhineland-PalatinateGold campaign.


Six world-class wine-growing regions, a leading center of biotechnology, and home to the most forest in Germany as well: people from Rhineland-Palatinate know that our home is truly a place worth living. We also know that a good life is the key to better work. A zest for life leads to peak performance. And because it is in our nature to share, we’ve decided that the whole world ought to hear about it.


With the Rhineland-PalatinateGoldcampaign, we’re inviting everyone to enjoy life here with us: skilled workers and professionals from Germany and abroad, entrepreneurs with their innovative ideas – not to mention the young generation, for whom business and pleasure are not contradictory terms. There is just one catch: when you live in a place that provides everything you need to be happy, it’s sometimes hard to decide where to go on vacation. You’ll have to get used to that if you come here.



Campaign motifs 2023


In summer 2020, the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Agriculture and Viniculture (MWVLW) brought the place branding slogan Rhineland-PalatinateGoldinto being. The campaign to position Rhineland-Palatinate as a center for business got the green light in April 2023.


The goal of the campaign is to make Rhineland-Palatinate known as an attractive and innovative location for business. To this end, the brand Rhineland-PalatinateGold will be established, and the visibility of the brand will be strengthened among relevant stakeholders in Germany. 
Target groups in Germany and abroad include, in particular, economic actors and skilled workers – and of course the people of Rhineland-Palatinate themselves.


Having a zest for life increases resilience in times of crisis – the people of Rhineland-Palatinate have demonstrated this time and again. The people of Rhineland-Palatinate are warm and welcoming, the likes of which you’d be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. We are different in a good way, and that’s what we want to show with this campaign. 
In addition, studies have found again and again that a positive attitude towards life promotes productivity and innovation. The brain in a happy and relaxed state is 31 percent more productive than in a stressed or negative state (P. Coventry 2016). Another study showed that positive emotions encourage people to develop innovative ideas (B. Fredrickson 2004). Soft factors such as openness and a zest for life are therefore highly relevant for a successful and crisis-proof business location. The development of a vaccine in record time, for example, is not an “outlier” for the MWVLW from our perspective, but rather a symbol of the potential which Rhineland-Palatinate has to offer.

Hardly anything else in the world stands so clearly for excellence as the color gold. Gold stands for excellence, for peak performance, for top-shelf wines. We know what we’re talking about. Because such masterpieces can only be produced when people feel at ease. When they feel a zest for life. Our gold represents these golden moments in life.
Gold underscores the excellence and innovative energy of Rhineland-Palatinate and its economy. In our brand design, the word “gold” supplements the “Rhineland-Palatinate” lettering as a kind of seal of quality.